Central Coordinating Entity
The MoFEP through the PSIPMU will be the Project’s main coordinating body. The FA/GA require that the PSIPMU is maintained throughout the life of the Project for the purposes of: (a) processing documentation required for disbursement of the funds; (b) procuring goods, works and services under the Project; and (c) preparing and maintaining records, accounts and financial statements referred to in the FA/GA; (d) coordinating and implementing the Project; and (e) monitoring and evaluation of the Project.
Project Management
Project Coordinator
Procurement/Contract Management Specialist
Project Officers
Financial Management Specialist
Procurement Assistant
Project Engineer
Environmental Safeguards Specialist
Social Safeguards Specialist
Communications Officer
M&E Specialist
Account Clerks
Participating Agencies
The participating ministries are: MoFEP MoNS/NEMO, MoNM, CWSA, MoA and the MoTW/BRAGSA. Representatives from each of the participating line ministries have been identified to serve as focal points to the project.
PS/ Director of NEMO
Minister of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Family, Gender, Youth, Housing, and Informal Human Settlement
Focal Point
PS/ Director of Social Development
Central Water and Sewerage Authority
Focal Point
General Manager
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour
Focal Point
PS/ Chief Agricultural Officer
Project Steering Committee (PSC)
Director of Economic Planning (Chair)
Deputy Director of Planning
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture etc.
Permanent Secretary, National Security
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Mobilization etc.
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport etc.
Town Planner- Physical Planning Unit
General Manager, CWSA
Director, NEMO
Senior Project Officer, Economic Planning Division
Project Coordinator (Secretary)